March 2015

March 23 – 17, 2015

The Sussex-Santa Cruz Digital Media Exchange is a two-year faculty and post-graduate exchange involving visits from the University of Sussex, UK, to the University of California, Santa Cruz, and back.

Visitors from UCSC to SUSSEX

Sharon Daniel,
Jennifer Parker,
Fabiola Hanna,
Andrea Steves,
Nathan Ober,
David Harris,


  Monday 16 March Tuesday 17 March Wednesday 18 March Thursday 19 March Friday 20 March
 Mornings: Introductions: informal roundtable: SB121 (or social space) 9-11: Sound Environments Class with Sally Jane Norman OR Media Histories and Cultural Change JUB-117 (session on internet histories) with David Hendy – or 10-1 UG interactive seminar with Paul/Andrew 10-1: Liveness in Art and Technical Practice introductions and discussion – or UG Interactice seminar  Paul/Andrew 9-11: New Moving Screens SB311  with Mary Agnes Krell  MA New Developments in Digital Media Practical SB311 Andrew Duff
Boundary Walk (or Monday) 11-1: New Moving Screens SB311  with Paul McConnell
 Lunch: Welcome lunch at Silverstone: social space lunch at Silverstone: social space lunch at Silverstone: social space lunch at Silverstone: social space
 Afternoons:  Intro to Humanities Lab with David Berry Digital Exchange Research presentations and discussion SB 309 “Live Acoustics Investigations,” Halldor Ulfarsson (Iceland Academy of Arts), Creativity Zone Music department concerts: 1.20 Meeting House, Jeremy Huw Williams performs Shubert and Broughton followed by lecture  The Sublime in Computer Games: Procedurally Generated Audiovisual Worlds, Tom Betts, Recital Room
Boundary Walk (or Tuesday) Liveness parallel workshops: participatory cartography and distributed data/ixi-lang live coding/objects + puppetry Meet in the social space for open dicussion – follow on in SB 309
Research & Prototyping for Interactive Media LAB Blue Practice Emile Devereaux 4-6 PhD Research seminar 4.30-6 Fulton 201/ or 5-6 Sussex Lecture on Dystopia for Dummies (Social and Politcal Thought, Prof Greg Claeys Discussion, Reflections and planning for the Digital Exchange: Silverstone 309
Goodbye drinks at IDS
Evening Events Dinner in Brighton with Tim Jordan and UCSC visitors
In Brighton: Lighthouse – Drones exhibition 10 Oct- 5 April
One Network for Conservation and the Arts
SICK Festival